Strip Steak With Creamy Gorgonzola Dipping Sauce

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Strip Steak With a Creamy Gorgonzola Dipping Sauce

You’d think that a fancy meal like steak with creamy gorgonzola dipping sauce requires a master chef, but any home cook can make it… and I’ll show you exactly how!

How To Make Steak With Creamy Gorgonzola Dipping Sauce

With so many fancy steakhouses popping up here and there, this dish is so convenient to order, but nothing beats making it at home. The steps couldn’t be simpler. 

First, the Steak!

Of course, you can’t make this dish without steak. So, grab your cut of choice — I like to use strip steak for this recipe — and cook it as you normally would. 

Here’s how I do it: I usually cook my steak on a cast iron skillet to save some time. I season the meat on both sides, pour in a little oil in the skillet, and sear the outer layer to add a little crust.

After that, I cook both sides for about 2 to 3 minutes each and let it rest for about 15 minutes.

Now for the Sauce

While the steak is resting on the side, I like to grab the 5 ingredients I need for the sauce: heavy cream, garlic, salt, pepper, and crumbled gorgonzola. 

Once I have everything on my workstation, I simply grab a saucepan and combine them all over low heat. I use a wooden spoon to stir the mixture. 

Then, 5 minutes later, I have a thick, creamy sauce, perfect for my medium-rare steak!

Gorgonzola and Steak: A Match Made in Heaven

Gorgonzola and Steak: A Match Made in Heaven
Credits: @mrsruppert

You can never go wrong with combining any cheese with steak… but if that cheese is gorgonzola, well, expect nothing but the absolute best. 

When you think about it, gorgonzola and steak are the ultimate flavor combo. 

On one hand, you get the silky, buttery, rich, and nutty elements from the gorgonzola cheese, and on the other hand, you get the beefy, salty, and succulent tastes from the steak. 

Bring those two components together, and you’ve got a heavenly masterpiece.

Gorgonzola vs Blue Cheese: What’s The Difference?

Gorgonzola vs Blue Cheese: What’s The Difference
Credits: @latteriabera

OK, here’s the thing: many confuse gorgonzola for blue cheese. And while gorgonzola IS a type of blue cheese, they’re not exactly one and the same. 

Compared to blue cheese, gorgonzola has a milder and softer taste, making the sauce so much creamier and easier to melt. But, if you only have blue cheese in the fridge, by all means, use it. 

The taste may vary a little bit, but overall, you’re still left with a delicious dish that will make you forget all about the fancy steakhouses in your neighborhood.

Strip Steak With a Creamy Gorgonzola Dipping Sauce

Strip Steak With a Creamy Gorgonzola Dipping Sauce

Yield: 2 to 4 servings
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 11 minutes

Celebrate date night (and any other night, for that matter) with an upscale and restaurant-worthy plate of strip steak with creamy gorgonzola sauce.


  • 2 1½-thick New York strip steaks (around 12 ounces each)
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • Salt and ground pepper (to taste)
  • Sprigs of thyme (optional)

For the gorgonzola sauce:

  • ¾ cup of heavy cream
  • 1 minced clove of garlic
  • 2 ounces of crumbled gorgonzola cheese (or more if you want a stronger flavor profile)
  • ¼ teaspoon EACH of salt and pepper


To cook the steak:

  1. To get started, pat your steaks dry using paper towels. Then, season both sides with salt and pepper. 
  2. Heat your cast iron skillet until it’s VERY hot before coating it with vegetable oil. 
  3. Very carefully place your steaks in the pan so the hot oil doesn’t splatter onto you. 
  4. Let the steaks sear for about 2 to 3 minutes (or until the outside turns dark brown). Then, flip them around and do the same to the other side. 
  5. Leave your steaks to cook for another 3 minutes. During the final minute, add your butter and thyme.
  6. Tilt your pan slightly to the side and spoon some of the thyme and melted butter on top of your steaks.
  7. Now, transfer your steaks to a serving plate and let them rest for 15 minutes.

To make the gorgonzola sauce:

  1. While your steaks are resting, get a clean saucepan and warm it up. 
  2. Add your heavy cream and garlic clove to cook for 2 minutes. Be sure to stir consistently to ensure a smooth finish. 
  3. After 2 minutes, add your cheese, salt, and pepper. Continue stirring until you get the consistency you want. Note: If you want a runny sauce, you can add a tablespoon of milk.
  4. Ladle some sauce into a ramekin or spoon a generous serving on top of your steak, and you’re done!


Image credit to @kristis_keto_kitchen.

Featured image credit to @twofishbyob.

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